A Guide About Dental Crowns

A Guide About Dental Crowns


Dental crowns are coverings that are put over broken teeth. When fillings fail to remedy the issue, crowns are utilised to preserve, cover, and restore the contour of your teeth. Metals, porcelain, resin, and ceramics may all be used to make dental crowns. Other than excellent dental hygiene, they usually do not need particular maintenance over time.

What exactly are dental crowns?

Your teeth might get damaged over time. This may occur for several causes, including dental decay, traumas, or just usage over time. In addition, your teeth might change form or size. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that fit over your natural tooth. Consider it a tight cap for your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s form, size, strength, and look.

The dental crown is glued onto your tooth and covers the visible section of it.

What is the purpose of a dental crown?

  • A dental crown may be required for various reasons, including preventing a weak tooth (perhaps caused by disease) from shattering or holding a weak tooth together if sections of it are fractured.
  • repairing a fractured or badly worn down tooth
  • A massive filling covering and supporting a tooth with little tooth left.
  • Supporting a dental bridge.
  • Covering up crooked or discoloured teeth.
  • Providing coverage for a dental implant.
  • A tooth that has been treated with a root canal.

What is the lifespan of dental crowns?

Dental crowns typically endure between five and fifteen years. However, the amount of “wear and tear” on a crown, how well you follow oral hygiene procedures, and personal mouth-related behaviours may all affect its life span.

  • Grinding or clenching your teeth is an example of a mouth-related behaviour.
  • Ice is being chewed.
  • You’re biting your fingernails.
  • Opening packages with your teeth.

Is there any additional care required for a crowned tooth?

A crowned tooth requires no particular treatment. The underlying tooth, however, must still be preserved from decay or gum disease. As a result, you should continue to practise proper dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily, particularly around the crown region where the gum meets your tooth, are examples of these routines. In addition, to avoid shattering the porcelain, avoid biting on hard surfaces with porcelain crowns (for example, eating ice or popcorn hulls).

What complications might a dental crown cause?

You may encounter numerous problems with your crown over time, including:

  • Unease or sensitivity: As the anaesthetic wears off, a freshly crowned tooth may be sensitive soon after the treatment. You may have heat and cold sensitivity if the capped tooth still has a nerve. Your dentist may advise you to clean your teeth using toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth. When you bite down, pain or sensitivity typically indicates that the crown is too high on the tooth. Call your dentist if this is the case. This is a simple issue to solve.
  • Crown comes off: A dental crown may come off. This is frequently caused by an incorrect fit or a shortage of cement. If this occurs to you, contact your dentist’s office right away. Until you can come in for an appointment, your dentist will give you precise instructions on caring for your tooth and crown. Your dentist may be able to re-cement your crown. If the crown cannot be replaced, a new crown must be created.
  • Allergic reaction: The metals used to produce dental crowns are often a combination of many metals. An allergic response to the metal or porcelain used in the dental crown is possible. This is, however, exceedingly unusual.
  • A dark line close to the gum line on a crowned tooth: You may notice a dark line adjacent to the gum line of your crowned tooth. This is very typical, especially if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. This black stripe is just the crown’s metal shining through.