What are the important tips to prevent your application applications from Code tampering?

What are the important tips to prevent your application applications from Code tampering?


In today’s digitally advanced world, mobile applications are consistently playing a very integral role in the lives of individuals ranging from banking and shopping to communication and entertainment. However, due to the growing dependence on the applications, there is a significant increase in the security threats as well and one of the concerning threats which the people are facing is the concept of Code tampering. This will involve the unauthorized modification of the coding of the application which is usually done by cyber criminals to steal sensitive data, inject the problem and bypass the security mechanism. Preventing the application applications from Code tampering is very important for you so that user data, brand reputation and overall application will be protected and following are the most important effective strategies that you need to take into account to safeguard your application applications from Code tampering:

  1. Implementing the code obfuscation: This is one of the most important first lines of defence against the problem of Code tampering and this will be all about involving the application source code in such a manner that everything will be difficult to read as well as understand without actually affecting the functionality. The basic benefit of using Code tampering is that it will make reverse engineering extremely challenging and further will be helpful in making sure that scrambling of the class names, method names and variable names will be very well done. This will be helpful in protecting the intellectual property and sensitive business logic without any problem and further will be helpful in making sure that things will be all about reducing the risk of attackers in terms of understanding and modifying the application coding.
  2. It is advisable to go for using the code signing concept: This will be helpful in providing people with a significant factor of support in ensuring the integrity of the source code of the application because everything will be supported by cryptographic signatures and the verification in this particular case will be coming from the legitimate developer. Developers in this particular case will be signing the code with a very private key and the operating system will later verify the coding with the help of the corresponding public key. If the signatures do not at all match, then the application won’t be running and further will be helpful in preventing the Code tampering from being executed. This will be helpful in creating a very strong Burger against unauthorised modification and further will make sure that running the trusted versions of the application will be done without any problem at any step.
  3. Enabling the integrity check: Performing the regular integrity check is always very important for the concerned developers because this will be helpful in making sure that there have been no modifications made to the original coding after the deployment. Effective integrity verification checks will be all about providing people with a clear idea about the original HASH value and will be helpful in detecting unauthorised changes. Signature verification in this particular case will be helpful in confirming the digital signature will remain intact and further will be matching the original coding without any problem. So, automating the integrity checks during this particular case will be very much advisable for people so that that execution will be sorted out and unauthorised modifications will be easily found without any problem in the whole process.
  4. Going for using the runtime application self-protection: Runtime application self-protection is a very strong security technology that will be integrated directly into the runtime in an environment of the application and further will be helpful in detecting and preventing the attacks as they will be happening. This point will be all about monitoring the application for these auspicious activities in real-time and further things in this particular case will be automatically blocking the potential threats before they can create damage to the system. This will be helpful in making sure that significant alerts will be sent to the users in the whole process and further, it will be helpful in preventing the Code tampering from being implemented. This point will be always helpful in making sure that the application will remain protected even after the deployment and people will be able to enjoy the real-time defence mechanism without any problem throughout the process.
  5. Implementing the secure storage and data encryption system: Sensitive data within the application like the password, application programming interface keys and personal data should be always encrypted so that storage will be very safe and security done without any problem. Going for using the advanced level encrypted standard for encrypting sensitive information is definitely advisable for organisations so that dealing with things becomes very easy and there will be no chance of any kind of. It is also very important for people to avoid the hard coding sensitive information directly into the application coding because the encryption, in this case, will be helpful in making sure that accessibility to the application files will be very well sorted out and there will be no chance of any kind of problem with the valuable pieces of information at any point of time.
  6. It is important to use the secure application programming interface: Many applications are heavily dependent on the application programming interface for communication with external services which is the main reason for the introduction of Code tampering protection based upon application programming interface is important so that manipulating the data changes will be very well sorted out and people will be able to implement the perfect and safe communication across all the HTTPS systems. This will be helpful in preventing the men in middle attack attacks without any problem and further will make sure that secured communication sessions will be done without any issues in the whole process.

Hence focusing on the regular updates and patching of your application is also very important so that you can easily implement ANTI Code tampering systems right from the beginning and further will be able to promote overall security from day one. Apart from this when you will be focusing on the points mentioned above then definitely you will be able to protect the user data and integrity of the application in today’s competitive cyber security landscape.
